About Us
Lycens Regulatory Affairs

About us

Lycens – Regulatory Affairs is located in Brasilia expert in the provision of regulatory consulting and advisory services to companies that operate or intend to work in the following areas in Brazil: pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, sanitizers and food, as manufacturers, importers, distributors, warehouses and carriers.

We support your company to obtain the licenses and records required for operating in full compliance with the standards required by the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), and other competent agencies.

We focus on developing regulatory solutions for our clients, supporting their projects in a broad and dynamic way. We work in partnership from the company’s design, until the obtainment of permits, certifications and registration of products  with the surveillance authorities, giving all necessary support of a regulatory consulting.

Lycens has a multidisciplinary, dynamic and qualified team that proposes regulatory solutions for our clients’ projects in all the stages.

Multidisciplinarity, combined with the competence and dynamism, allow us to form a team with our clients, speeding processes approval and, as a consequence, reducing the financial resources and the time spent for the insertion of products in the Brazilian market.

Find out how Lycens regulatory Affairs can help you in structuring your project.

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